dev notes

software development craftsmanship

/ home / vim / configuration [ / conquer of completion / css / docker / elixir / html / json / sh / typescript / yaml / pyright ]

conquer of completion

The last plugs had to be configured more or less. At this point, the configuration is suitable for many task.

When you want to use language server features we can use Conquer of completion


A working nodejs environment is needed.


Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}

language servers

You can take a look at a list language servers, which can be configured for CoC.

I will describe the ones I use.

Currently this part is in review. I set up my language servers a long time ago, and I am currently creating the setup from scratch again. My current setup works reasonably well, but I will take the opportunity to gain more understanding.