dev notes

software development craftsmanship

/ home / vim [ / configuration / basis setup / plug / conquer of completion / putting all together ]


Even for a small configuration, it makes sense to split up your configuration in multiple files. There are configuration settings for vim itself, configs for plugins and so on. You can setup vim almost everything what you like.

At the end we'll take a look at the changes. It is important, that you can understand your config, and that you can live with your config. Many thinks in vim work out of the box.

Like gardening, you have to take care from time to time.


You can find my current NeoVim configuration here

basis setup

Before setting up any plugins, you should take a look at your base vim settings.

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When the basic vim configuration is set up, we need to think about extending vim.

There are many plugin managers out there. I use plug as a plugin manager, because it comes with a simple configuration

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conquer of completion

The last plugs had to be configured more or less. At this point, the configuration is suitable for many task.

When you want to use language server features we can use Conquer of completion

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putting all together

Now with everything set up we have a /.config/nvim folder with different files

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