Before setting up any plugins, you should take a look at your base vim settings.
The first line will choose the prevered colorscheme. In my case it is nord.
colorscheme nord
To have a kind of custom namespace for your own keyboard shortcuts, you can define a
a leader key.
The default is set to \
let mapleader=','
To set the current file in the buffer as the window title you can do a
set title
You get line numbers in front of each line by setting
set number
When you want to search case insensitive within a buffer, you set
set ignorecase
set incsearch
set ignorecase
set smartcase
For German Umlaute, you need
set termencoding=utf8
set enc=utf8
set fileencoding=utf8
Tab stops may vary by projects, and have to be overridden on project base.
set tabstop=2
set softtabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
Start next line with the same ident.
set autoindent
Replace tabs with spaces
set expandtab
Disable swap files
set noswapfile
set nobackup
set nowritebackup
No need for folding
set nofoldenable
When you want to switch buffers without saving, you need to set.
set hidden
This becomes handy, when you have some buffers with no file in the background,
for example some text comming from an external command like read !tree
or so.
These are not so many changes to the original vim configuration.
Of course you can set up a more detailed configuration, but you have to keep in mind, that you have to do some gardening over time.